Saturday, November 17, 2007

Getting Moving

We spent our last night at Omega camped down by the lake. It was a tad chilly but the view of the star studded sky was beautiful at three in the morning whilst taking a pee. A frantic morning of packing/stacking/rejecting/accepting/stuffing/hiding/recycling and the like led to a 2:15pm exit from the campus.

Bye!!!Times Square

So with a tear in the eye we pulled off leaving Omega a memory in the rear view mirror. The Dolphin chugged along quite nicely dealing with the busy metropolitan traffic and delivering us to Long Island in good time to hit the panic button and rush for the train station. Why you may ask? turned out that the Ani DiFranco concert Christy had tickets for happened to be on Saturday night and not Sunday as she had been thinking for the past few weeks. So, bleary eyed, we caught the next train and headed into New York!

It was a great show with a good mix of old and new material (so I was told).
Here's a sample sample for you:

Ani DiFranco - Done Wrong


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