Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Off to Montauk

A day of rest included a nice afternoon stroll around Caumsett State Historic Park. Lots of nice woodland pathways and rocky shores to amble along and enjoying the prettiness to be had.
Christy x 2 Ahoy!
Then it is off on the road once again to see Randal who is hiding at the very tip of Long Island painting away in inspirational solitude [VIDEO]. He's spending a month in retreat, tapping into his deepest depths and translating it all onto canvas. It is a straightforward journey along Route 27/Montauk Highway. One stop for gas and another to play with the large vegetables and we are there. Great to see Mr Roberts again - even though it's been less than two weeks since he left Omega. His cabin/hut/house is quite cosy and we spend a pleasant evening in front of a blazing log fire roasting chestnuts, philosophizing and the like.

Check out the Polaroid

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